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Children and Youth

Our desire is to help children and youth come to know and believe that they are the beloved of God and to be a place where authenticity, community, connection, and God’s truth thrive. We seek to be an inclusive space where each voice can be heard and where each heart can be molded; where change is invited, challenge is expected, and where all are embraced.  Our goal is for them to learn their faith matters. They are loved right as they are, just as they are. They are part of a community of faith.


Our church community is dedicated to providing a nurturing environment for  the youngest members of our congregation. We offer fun and affirming programs, including Sunday School and midweek learning opportunities. Our church is a safe and nurturing environment for children, one where they can develop a strong foundation in faith and grow into successful adults. 

SoulSong-Parents Day Out

SoulSong staff uses a combination of the Montessori Method and other best practices to design a unique curriculum that reaches the whole child through hands-on exploration, character development, and the arts. Our learning environments are peaceful and purposeful. We allow each child to learn, discover, and develop at their own pace. Class sizes are small, providing each child the opportunity to have plenty of interaction with their teachers.


Visit our SoulSong Page


Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who love God, love others and serve the world. That starts with our young people who are the future of our church. We provide a variety of programs and activities designed to challenge and engage them, while creating a safe and nurturing community. Our Youth Group meets each Sunday evening 5-7pm, engage in community missions and participate in various group activities throughout the year. 

Vacation Bible School

It's not just for kids anymore! At First Presbyterian Church, we believe that learning and fun should go hand-in-hand. Our summer programs are designed to inspire and educate children and adults alike, while fostering a sense of community and friendship. Our church is built on a foundation of peace, love and acceptance, and we strive every day to further our mission of spreading these values throughout our community. Join us and experience the warmth of faith and the joy of community.


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