Membership with
First Presbyterian Church (USA)
Joining our community of faith means that you are publicly affirming your commitment to our shared beliefs. We are excited to have you become a new member of First Presbyterian Church and part of our welcoming community. We look forward to worshiping together and supporting each other on our faith journey.

Membership at First Presbyterian Church is a 3 step process.
Step One
Attend the Inquirers/Membership class
The Inquirers/Membership Class is offered two or three times per year, normally on Wednesday evenings. It is an informal class, led by Rev. McLaughlin that will give you a bird’s-eye view of Christianity, First Presbyterian Church, and your place as a member.
Step Two
Meet with Rev. McLaughlin
After you have completed the Inquirers/Membership class, you will meet with Rev. McLaughlin to discuss any questions you may still have about membership. This is also an opportunity for you to talk about your faith, your commitment to Christianity, and the membership vows.
The membership vows are:
Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world?
Do you turn to Jesus Christ and accept him as your Lord and Savior, trusting in his grace and love?
Will you be Christ's faithful disciple, obeying his Word and showing his love?
Will you be a faithful member of this congregation, share in its worship and ministry through your prayers and gifts?
You will also discuss how you will be joining First Presbyterian Church. There are three methods by which individuals may join the Church. If you are a new Christian, have never been baptized, and are not a member of a Church currently, you will join by Profession of Faith and be baptized into Christ’s Church. If you are a baptized Christian and are a member of a Church that is not part of our affiliation (The Presbyterian Church (USA), you will join by Reaffirmation of Faith. If you are a member of a Church within The Presbyterian Church (USA), you will join by Transfer of Church Letter. After meeting with one of our elders and affirming the membership vows, you will attend a Session meeting where a vote will be made on new members. At this meeting, you will officially become a member of the Church.
Step Three
Be Introduced to the Congregation
On a Sunday following the Session meeting, all new members will be introduced to the rest of the First Presbyterian Church family at one of the morning worship services and publicly reaffirm the membership vows.